Information with visuals

Not all people learn by just reading about something, there are some people in the world that learn better when they have visuals that go along with the information they are being given. A great way to do this is by creating an Infographic.  By creating an Infographic you are giving them evidence or more support to the point they are trying to get across.

Within an infographic you can include all different types of charts, pictures, or even just use a graphic to divide up the page so that the information that they are trying to provide is easy to understand.

Image    Image

Even though creating an infographic is a great way to help people understand what they are reading there some cases where enough is enough.  It is very easy to make an infographic over crowed with information, which makes it difficult to understand. An example of a situation where they included too much information is provided below.


Infogarphics are great they help people understand the material that is being given to them much easier than without graphics, but you have to make sure that you do not over crowed the infographic with too much information.


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